Club routes are stored on a plotaroute account managed by the club. We have an active archive of routes that can be grown either via an email to the webmaster or ridesecretary or some ride leaders may directly access the account.
We now have over 130 routes. To see a full list click here.
Currently the club does not have a premium (paid for) account so some plotaroute facilities are not available. Specifically access to OS mapping; some limits on route size in terms of route points and it isn’t ad free.
All of our routes are public which means they can be accessed by anyone. You do not need a plotaroute account to search for or access a route and you can download the route in one of several formats (GPX, KML, TCX and FIT).
Routes are named in a pattern as follows:-
- A pair of characters specifying the route type
- A space character
- A space character
- The destination or other text. Usually this will be a lunchpoint.
The routes types are as follows:-
- SS – a shorter Saturday club ride. Usually starting from the Unicorn and under 65k.
- MM – a longer Saturday club ride. Usually starting from the Unicorn and between 65 and 80k.
- LL – a Sunday club ride. Usually starting from the Rugby Club and probably in excess of 80k.
- HH – hilly. The length will be of less significance.
- RR – a club reliability ride
- AA – an audax route
- GG – a gravel or mainly offroad route
- OO – other
A Saturday ride may be called something like SS CCC TeaRoomBetley and a Sunday one LL CCC LockgateCafeBeeston.
As an example to look for all the Sunday rides currently on plotaroute go to the home page and enter “LL CCC” (or “ll ccc” ) in the search box. (It is possible that routes not created by the Club can be found as other may coincidentally use this pattern).
Alternatively, for a full list of routes in specific categories use these pre-defined searches:-
We welcome new routes and comments (hazards, café closures or road changes, especially) on those already in the directory by email to either the webmaster or ridesecretary. We will trim routes of start and finish particulars so that they start and finish at the Rugby Club, the Unicorn, or a suitable road junction.