Join Us

[With effect from 01/10/2024]

Membership runs for 12 months from the first day of the month in which the member joins. Annual subscription rates are as follows:

Junior (Under 18)£5 or free if family of a senior member.
2nd Claim£15

In addition if you want to be a riding member, i.e. take part in Club Runs, Reliability Rides, racing activities, etc., then you must have appropriate 3rd party insurance cover. This can be achieved as a:

  • British Cycling full member (Race or Ride). Note that currently, juniors can get Ride membership free by joining Congleton Cycling Club.
  • Cycling UK full member.
  • Member of some other organisation which provides equivalent 3rd party cover to its members whilst riding.

Special Offer. A discount is available for first-time membership to British Cycling. Ask the Membership Secretary for the special application forms.

To Join. If you would like to join the Club then you can do so online by clicking here. If you have any questions, please email Sue Tilstone, Membership Secretary, at

For junior members (all riders under 18 years old), we will require a completed Parental Consent Form. See below.

After joining you will receive a welcome email containing current information from the membership secretary. 

You will also be added to two email lists. The first is directed to all members and we ask that you remain receiving this. The second contains messages targeted at social riders and referring to club-runs; you are welcome to unsubscribe from this if you do not want to receive these emails. It would be possible to reinstate you to either mailing list if you accidentally unsubscribe or change your mind. Just ask the webmaster or the membership secretary. These emails come from an email address ending “” so you may need to check they do not go into your spam. You should get a welcome message for each of these lists.

Parental Consent

Please download, complete and return a completed Parental Consent Form. This can be achieved in one of several ways. There are two versions of the form available, editable and printable. Choose one of them and download it. The editable form is in rich text format (.rtf). You can download and edit this and return it to us via email. The printable form can be downloaded, printed, filled in by hand, and scanned and returned to us by email. Email to membersec from your registered email address. Alternatively you may bring a paper copy to your child’s first event and give it to the ride leader or event organiser.

