
Thank you for visiting Congleton Cycling Club’s website.

 This page lets you know a bit about us and how to meet us “in the flesh” on or off the bike. If you wish to join the club or see more information about joining then click here or use the “Join Us” menu item found on most pages.

We are a medium sized club with a growing membership (145 at the beginning of 2022) who enjoy a wide range of cycling activity (including Club Runs, Time Trials, Road and Track Racing, Audax and Sportive Riding, Touring and Mountain Biking).

Our activities are discussed in the various sections of the site (Competition, Training, Club Runs), but to give an overall view, let’s consider the way the club operates through a typical calendar year:

  1. Club Runs operate all year and go at the speed of the slowest rider. This is very relaxed and a great way to discover pleasant routes to ride around the region.
    The current programme can be found here.
    Weekly Sunday runs are about 60 miles long (shorter, if hilly) with a café stop at roughly half way.
    Weekly Saturday runs  are shorter, 30-40 or 40-50 on alternate weeks. All have a café stop.
    Why not join us on one of these relaxed social rides?
  2. Training runs operate throughout the winter weekly at 9:00 on a Saturday. For more information click here.
  3. Club Nights are held once a month, usually the first Monday of a month at 8pm. These are at Rugby Club. Refer to the Calendar for exceptions and extra events. Why not drop in for a chat?
  4. Social events happen from time to time though the year, often on Mondays as a more formal Club Night. The main event is the annual dinner and prize presentation in February on a Saturday. Again, refer to the Calendar.
  5. Reliability Trials occur on up to four Sundays in February and March as an alternative to the Sunday Club Run (see Club Run List) and increase in length and difficulty as fitness improves and the season approaches.
  6. Tuesday evening Time Trials run every Tuesday from April to August with a mix of 10 and 25 mile routes, but starting with a 9 mile hilly ride and finishing on a Sunday in late September with a short hill climb. The start time depends on daylight, see Club TT Program. Since these are “entry on the night” events, why not turn up at the “HQ” 20-30 minutes before the start time and ride in one as a guest?
  7. Our members enter (and in the case of Audax, TT, and International Tours run) events of many cycling disciplines. We have awards and trophies for most of our activity from racing to most regular Club Night attendance (see Trophies). We are beginner friendly, family friendly and try to foster links into the community while promoting all disciplines of the sport and pastime of cycling.
  8. Make Contact: Why not email or phone our Chair, Denise Hurst, via chair@congletoncyclingclub.org.uk  or +447712892575 or contact our Membership Secretary via membership@congletoncyclingclub.org.uk?

Here are a few links to where you can find more detail of various aspects of the club:-

We hope this gives you a flavour of Congleton Cycling Club and might tempt you to introduce yourself and tell us about your interest in cycling. Meanwhile, we wish you “Happy Cycling”.

We adhere to British Cycling’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures. These may be viewed here