Members worked at BC Go-Ride Conference

British Cycling Go-Ride Conference at Manchester Velodrome on Saturday, 9th March

Our Club made further significant progress to achieving British Cycling’s go-ride accreditation as five Members participated in various workshops, throughout the day: Pete Smith did a further Coaches Training, Georgina Norton did her “Further Safeguarding” as part of the Welfare Officer Training, Tristan Roberts did his New Young Volunteer Training and Bob Norton and Peter Hayhurst did their Go-Ride Volunteer Training. These were in-depth sessions conducted by professionals who not only gave excellent presentations but included plenty of discussion time, including inter-action with other participants and quizzes at various stages and then were sent home with much reference material on a USB Memory.


Georgina Norton, Tristan Roberts, Sam Turner, Bob Norton, Pete Smith

About Peter Hayhurst

Press secretary.
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