Not All Our News is GOOD NEWS

In case you have not heard already, Bob Norton has had a nasty accident whilst riding with Georgina (minor accident) last Thursday, up Barr Hill from Madeley. Bob rode over a strip of metal which flicked into his spokes and jammed in the front fork, causing him to dive over the handlebars. He has a broken collar bone, sore head and neck, bloody cheek and black eye – but has a good excuse to watch the TdF all day – but had to cancel their trip to Paris to see it “live”!

His helmet was smashed but Bob reckons that his injuries would have been much worse – so he will keep wearing a helmet.

All Club-Night attendees were shocked to get this news and sent their Best Wishes to Georgina and Bob for a speedy recovery!

About Peter Hayhurst

Press secretary.
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