On Thursday Oct 30th the club held its Annual General Meeting to elect the club committee, set its subscriptions for 2015, and to receive reports on 2014 from its executive officers. Twenty two members attended the meeting. Club Chairman Bob Norton thanked all of the committee members for their contributions during the year, in particular Andy Farr who was standing down as acting press secretary. The meeting heard that the club membership had risen to 126 (105 in 2013), with a significant rise in its female membership from 20 to 31. There have been increases in all areas of the clubs activities from racing to leisure rides. Bob summarised by saying “2014 was a year of continued growth in all aspects of the club, continuing the trend of the last few years. Activity, particularly racing activity, has increased significantly. “Finances have increased, along with membership, and we are now in the process of setting out a new club plan for the short to mid – term future”.
Just prior to the AGM, Stephen Kane gave attendees feedback on a recent survey of member’s views which will aid this process. An analysis of the results will be sent out to members in due course.
The officers elected for 2015 were:
Chairman Bob Norton
Vice Chairman Rob Waghorn
Secretary Denise Hurst
Club Runs Secretary Denise Hurst
Membership Secretary Sue Blake
Treasurer Dean Roberts
Racing Secretary Nick Decker
Welfare Officers Georgina Norton & Dean Roberts
Social Secretary Georgina Norton
Press Secretary Rob Dale
Clothing Rep. Wayne Powell
Mountain Bike Rep Vacant
Under 18 Rep Tristan Roberts
Web Master David McVitie
British Cycling Delegate Wayne Powell
Cycling Time Trial Delegate Kelvin Milward
Non Executive Member Tony Eliott
The clubs President Tony Willis, and Vice Presidents, Mr S Sebire, Mrs K Biddulph, Mr R Little, Mr and Mrs B Wakefield, Mrs G McCargo and Mr B Fox, were all re elected.