Coaching Sessions

The last survey conducted by the club indicated a desire for some proper coaching sessions, well here’s your opportunity.
Pete Smith has been on the British Cycling Level 2 Coaching course and has completed the three assessment days, the online study and exam sessions, and has just one last task to complete in order to qualify. This final task is to plan and deliver a series of six progressive coaching sessions.
After much consideration it has been decided that Group Riding would be a theme that could most benefit our current club members. So, with that in mind Pete has Coaching 1planned a series of six sessions, which will start with the basics and progress through riding in pairs, smaller groups, and chain gangs through to larger groups.
The sessions will be fun, involving, informative and a chance to learn and practice the proper skills and techniques required to ride safely and efficiently within a group. Most of you will realise that the majority of club members already ride in groups whenever the club goes out. But, how many club members have ever received any formal training? How safely and efficiently do you think club members currently ride when in a group? Have you ever ridden in a group where all the riders are truly working together efficiently and in a tight formation? Even if you think you are great at group riding, have you ever asked anyone for feedback concerning your skills? We can all improve if we are open minded enough.
Coaching 2So, this is your chance to learn the correct skills and techniques, gain some feedback and to experience what true group riding is like, with all riders singing from the same song sheet, working in harmony to enhance the group riding experience.
We will be looking at individual skills and techniques to start with from braking and cornering, working up to group techniques including holding a wheel, changing positions in a group, different formations, pace lines, through-and-off techniques and team time trials.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A RACER OR REALLY FAST, OR REALLY FIT, all you need is a road bike in good working order and a few hours to spend having fun. The sessions will have demonstrations, practice with coaching input and some fun activities with a little competition here and there, where the fastest individuals will not always win!
The first session is on Saturday 21st March at 11:45hrs (for a 12:00 start) until 16:00hrs This will involve 3x1hr coaching sessions with breaks. To be held at Eaton Bank Academy, Congleton.
The second session is on Saturday 28th March at 11:45hrs (for a 12:00 start) until 14:30hrs This will involve 2x1hr coaching sessions with breaks. To be held at Eaton Bank Academy, Congleton.
The final session will be a trip to the Roy Holden closed road cycle circuit at Tameside, Manchester on Easter Sunday 5th April at 14:45hrs (for a 15:00 start) until 17:00hrs This will involve 1x2hr coaching session with no formal break. This is a great opportunity to ride in group formations that would be illegal on the public highway and have some real fun in a safe, car free environment.
Pete would like to re-emphasise that these sessions are not geared towards thrashing around at breakneck speed, so all are welcome, whatever your current standard of riding. The techniques and skills will be useful for riding in any groups, be they a club run or a team time trial. It is NOT all about racing, although we will have some laid back competition (a few laps each) for fun towards the end of each session. These are more about practicing new skills and applying them so there are no prizes for team members that finish several laps apart from each other! In fact, there are no prizes at all, just a cuppa and a biscuit like on Tuesday night TTs!
Pete is fully insured, first aid qualified and will conduct the coaching under BC rules and guidelines. This does mean that numbers are limited to a maximum of 15 riders. The whole point of this is for you to get some enjoyment and maybe learn a few skills that can be applied when you ride with the club and for Pete to get qualified as a Level 2 Coach by delivering a progressive series of coaching sessions. With that in mind people need to commit to all three sessions. Riders cannot only turn up for the final session if they have not completed the first two days.
So, if you are interested, please check your email and reply to Pete Smith or contact Bob Norton. If more than 15 request a place Pete will draw names at random, but will also look to run the sessions again later in the year for any that miss out.
As mentioned, refreshments will be provided with some snacks and the best news is that all the sessions are completely free of charge!

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