Club AGM Nov 5th 2015

The club AGM was held on Thursday November 5th in the Beartown Tap. There were no fireworks!

The officers each gave a report, which described another good year for the club, in which the membership growth slowed with 129 members reported (126 in 2014). These include 11 juniors and 31 ladies. The financial reserves of the club are healthy and there will be no change to member subscriptions for 2016. See Chairman’s Report HERE

Wayne Powell is the new Racing Secretary, but has stood down from his previous position as Clothing Administrator. This position remains vacant, but urgently needs to be filled. Other vacant positions are a Junior Representative and an Assistant Racing Secretary (has been vacant for a number of years)

Four new members were welcomed to the committee. Adrian Pennington comes in as Press Secretary in place of Rob Dale. Lee Wood will look after the interests of mountain bike riders and Rowland Bainbridge together with John Jervis were elected as general club members.

The committee for 2015/2016 are

Chairman Bob Norton
Vice Chairman Rob Waghorn
Secretary Denise Hurst
Treasurer Dean Roberts
Membership Secretary Sue Blake
Club Runs Secretary Denise Hurst
Press Secretary Adrian Pennington
Social Secretary Georgina Norton
Welfare Officers Georgina Norton, Dean Roberts
Racing Secretary Wayne Powell
Website Administrator David McVitie
Mountain  Bike Rep. Lee Wood
General Member Rowland Bainbridge
General Member John Jervis
BC Delegate Wayne Powell
CTT Delegate Kelvin Milward
Assistant R Sec Vacant
Club Clothing administrator Vacant
Under 18 rep Vacant


Bill Boynton was re elected as “Auditor”

The President and Vice presidents were re elected with the exception of Mr and Mrs Wakefield who have resigned.

President :- Mr T Willis

Vice Presidents :- Mr S Sebire, Mrs K Biddulph, Mr R Little, Mrs G McCargo, and Mr B Fox. Mr and Mrs Wakefield have resigned.

Minutes of the meeting will be sent out in due course.

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