03/07/2011 – Actions following tragic news

Dear All.
  1. We have taken the decision to cancel the Tuesday Evening Time Trials for the next 2 weeks, following last weeks tragedy. I hope you all agree that this is appropriate in the circumstances.
  2. We will go ahead with the club meeting in the Beartown Tap on Thursday this week at 8 o’clock. However we will not hold a formal committee meeting this week. It will be our opportunity to meet and just remember Karl and his importance to the club.
  3. It is still too early to be able to give any details of Funeral time and place. One thing that Linda has asked is for as many of us Members as possible to accompany the hearse on bikes wearing club kit (if possible).
  4. Linda has asked for no flowers, but rather donations to Wheels for All which provides adapted cycling equipment and cycling activity programs for people with disability and differing needs. This is the same charity to which donations went following Graham McCargo’s funeral 4 years ago. See www.cycling.org.uk
Linda and family and Joyce and Keith are very appreciative of all your cards and messages of support and condolence. I will keep you posted.
Best Regards
(Bob Norton – Chairman)

About Peter Hayhurst

Press secretary.
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